Colour palette

tapestry type role as backdrop-scape
Bringing in natural rocks, maybe tree trunks, but no dried leaves.
Possibility to add fantastical 'fairytale feel' through large objects like an oversized snail.
ONE floral focal piece would be good - I find an alley too non-modern ..
and too literal
This is somewhat the intermediate idea; photocolour backdrop and floral-arrangements as landscaping but I think we can do better!
What I really like about this is that it feels very natural, like wild flowers, it should feel outdoorsy - not kitschy weddingflowersy
Here I like the interplay of the backdrop as landscape sky extending into the scene
As opposed to this which feels more MADE to look rustical but not feeling natural anymore
I like the chunks of moss as the floor + the chair + book on the floor as well as the depth created by the sheer mass of flowers but the combinations are just a little bit too much; the roses and salmon flowers mixed with the hay is a bit too kitschy.
Here I really like the flower combinations
potential idea for backdrop - but too much effort for not enough effect.
REALLY like this approach to make it more edgy, colder colours and dirt and MODERN FURNITURE that breaks with the visual and doesn't really fit in a very intentional way.
Super interesting coincidence that this 'filming yourself with camcorder' comes up in my image search for the film because this is a connection I'd made before and now it's being suggested by the Internet..
Interesting for the darker ritualistic feel but also for the level/even very reduced way of creating a field like landscape
Direction: Level/even grasslike landscape
Extension into entire landscape - this might be too extreme for us?
Sand as floor?
Beautiful backdrop tapestry - big effect
relatively reduced but nice creation of depth - but mostly works for photography (one angle) not film (moving angle.
Zwangshochzeit - Veiled bride


Reversed gender roles; girl waits for guy
Colour combination and flower choice!
Instead of holding flower bouquet part of outfit/hands
- exaggeration = fashion film
Story fragment starting point: Idea of girl having been frozen in time and thus intertwining with flowers which have started to grow around her.
Again interesting use of moss chunks and the flowers mixed with industrial, modern elements
Modern, industrial furniture
working bride ?
working groom?
Cold - like in 'Wooden it be nice'
Or a kind of 'Prinzessin auf der Erbse' scenario where the bride or groom has to prove they are really 'royal' by picking out the right person -
difficult to communicate without dialog though.
Being swallowed and intertwined with the flowers and grass..
Korb mit Blumen
Gesicht verdeckt durch Blumen
Aim: Ein verwunschener industrieller Raum.
Traungs Ohrring anstatt ring !?
Gibt es zwei??
Script direction
Forced Marriage - meets - Sleeping beauty.

Situated on different tableaus

Left tableau: Girl is frozen - she has been waiting for so long that the flowers and plants have begun to grow over her unmoving body.

Right tableau: Male character is doing some manual labour e.g. chopping wood or carrying water

Script direction
To stay much closer to what the collection is about - traditionelle Volkstracht - Working, living, growing up in the country side.

Is there maybe a legend connected to this region?
Haarband - harte Arbeit auf dem Feld

Juppe traditionelle Frauentracht


Schuhmacher -klopfer



Butter macher


Wasser/Milchkruge tragen

Festlichkeit zusammen kommen


Script direction
Dorf/Land Vodoo - verflochten mit der Natur

Key handlung: Anbringung der Blumen
9 Leute
make post on Bauhaus Piazza
Adam's brother chicken?
Pia chicken?

ask Brotklappe

ask around + look at social Kaufhaus


Ask Miry @miriamjcb if she might be interested
sound design
Font design for title and credits
transporter /driver
pottery and dishes
Something to potentially think about: do they have some symbol that connects them to their own clan? A 'weird' and grotesque element?

> Also on Set : shoot portrait of each person
Division of Labor / Crew

Co-Directors: Alena & Kristin
Director of acting on set: Kristin
Director of set (production flow & coordination: Alena
Production: Alena & Kristin
Art Direction Set: Alena & Kristin

Stylist on set: ?( helping models get dressed) Jenny?
Eye on set: Alena (focus on set design)
Animal keeper:?
Extra Runner: ? Yasir?
Transportation: ?

Photographer: Jenny?
Hair and Makeup - need min. 2 (for up to 10 looks):?

DOP: Adam
Lights: Adam?
Assistant DOP: Ivan

Editing: ?
Colour grading: ?

Sound design: Tim? Alexandra Av? 
(Font design: Myri?)
Growing flowers soft vibe; light; colourfeel

Layout film !
Hair and Makeup
Alles in Disposition einfüllen !
Packungsinhalt beträgt: ca. 0,2 m² pro Karton (Nichtvertragliche Richtwerte)

Kartonabmessungen: 37,6 cm x 36,6 cm x 8,8 cm
Moosplatten lebend Moosmatten Plattenmoos Bastelmoos Abdeckmoos Echtmoos 30x40cm

ca. 5 euro
Moos frisch aus d. Wald, Waldmoos, Naturmoos - 1 Karton (3 Lagen) Deko Floristik

5,50 euro
frisches lebendes Moos 1 qm Moosplatten lebend Moosgarten Friedhof Garten

19.90 euro

sehr gute Bewertungen
Kugelmoos 1 Lage Natur Dekomoos Mooskugeln, echtes frisches Moss Kugeln Bollmoos

Kugelmoos kaufen echtes natur Moos Dekomoos Kiste Deko Mooskugeln Moss

Kiste Kugelmoos mit 2 Lagen Kugelmoos eng befüllt; 2. Lage ist nur bedingt zur Verwendung geeignet
frisch und unbehandelt
Inhalt: 2 Lagen Moos Maße: ca. 40 cm x 30 cm x 8 cm
Gewicht: ist sehr abhängig vom Trocknungsgrad; wir versenden normalerweise kammergetrocknetes Moos mit nur noch geringem Wasseranteil
Es handelt sich um ein lebendiges Naturprodukt, deshalb sind die einzelnen Kugeln unterschiedlich in Form und Größe.
Vor dem Pflanzen oder wenn der Farbton zu hell ist. einfach eine halbe Stunde in Leitungswasser legen, dann ist das Moos wieder dunkelgrün
Einsatzbereich – Außen und Innen: - Ausstellungs- und Verkaufsräume - Aufenthalts- und Besucherräume - Messen - Wohnräume - Terrassen - Garten - Türkränze - Wohnräume - Gartengestaltung - Hochbeete - Friedhofsanlagen und Gräber
Für alle Arten der Dekoration – wie Stecken, Kleben, Einzeldekoration, eignet sich dieses Moos perfekt

>>>Hydrokultur Design GmbH
Waldmoos in einer praktischen Holzkiste, ideal zum Basteln, Dekorieren oder Abdecken von Pflanzgefäßen und Kästen.

nur klein für 3,59 bestellbar ( andre sorten & größen nicht lieferbar) 
Plattenmoos, Flachmoos, Moosmatte konserviert

10,90 € *
Inhalt: 0.0875 Quadratmeter (124,57 € * / 1 Quadratmeter)
inkl. MwSt.

Maße: 35 x 25 cm
1 qm lebende Moosplatten, Moosmatten

19,90 € *
Inhalt: 1 Quadratmeter
inkl. MwSt.
1 Box Panel Moss Natural Green 2 – 2.5 kg CA. 0,35qm


mixed reviews

1 Box CA 2.00 2.50 kg Cushion – Moss Moss Real Thing


* reviews sagen wie aus wald - vilene tannennadeln aber gzte menge
min. bestellung 2 kg für 43 euro
Silbermoos Waldgrün (Kiste 37x28cm)

11,50 euro
Lappenmoos Grün 40x60cm

Was genau wollen wir?

ca. 3 stück viertel oder Hälfte von Käserad verschiedene Sorten
Birnen oder aprikosen ?
Rusticale Brotleibe
grosser butterstück

Brotmesser mit holzhänkel
dickeklinge messer mit holzhänkel für grosses käserad
dekorative gefässe für flüssigkeiten und ggf. honig
glässer für honig und marmelade klein und gross mit glass gummi verschluss
+ honig holz stab

glassflaschen für milch
Teller für butter
stapel glässer
Rasenschmiele 9cm topf
Blauschwingel 10cm topf 2.59
11cm topf
Zittergras 9cm 3er set topf

Sieboldfetthenne 9cm 3er set topf

Bronze Segge 'Prairie Fire', 17 cm Topf

3er set 7.77
Pampasgras 'Evita', 19 cm Topf

Chinaschilf 'Morning Light', 23 cm Topf

Chinaschilf 'Gracillimus', 23 cm Topf

Zierweide 'Flamingo'

Dreamy - hazy- haunted sound that appears at 00:10 for the sleeping sequence ( Act 1.) and the sound at 00:18; like a gust or soft gong to close Act 1?

>> Direction for Woodkids first Act1. 00:00 - 00:17
Bird chirp mixed with electronic haze and soft murmur - soft build up

>>>> Direction for Woodkids first Act1. 00:00 - 00:17

especially opening moment with Video title
Only the pounding noise at 3:10 might be useful for our third act - with the pounding of the milk

Act 3 - 00:39 - 00:50
Building suspense and then moment of silence cut through this mystical gong/bell at 4:06 and the electric charge mixed with gong and bell that follows

>> Act 2 ( waking up)
00:18 - 00:34
The Gong - then followed by building tension

4:11 - the gong and then a build up with the gong sound ( in our case the bell)

>> Another inspiration for Act 2
Mix of nature element with electronic, slightly haunting white noise

>> Overall Mixing industrial space with nature sounds (bringing outside indoors)

Sounddesign - Briefing
Again mixing nature with electronic sound (although this is too alien)
But the beginning has a feeling of 'waking up' which would be nice to find a way to integrate into Act 2

>> Another inspiration for Act 2
Hier würden wir gerne einen leicht nach links gezogenen Bild ausschnitt sehen
Hier würden wir gerne einen leicht nach links gezogenen Bild ausschnitt sehen


Bei allen Einstellungen die wir als Kapitel intro nutzen würden wir gern 16:9 raus rendern umzuschauen ob wir das format leicht cropen
@Carlota Guerrero
@agf-hydra performance
@nhua xuan hua
Concluding insights / take-aways
- Shotlist is absolutely necessary - visualise your shots
- be aware and determined in visual storytelling:
Woodkids e.g. could have worked even better (potentially) with a type of 'postcard effect' taking select close up angles
- at the same time you need transitory or 'filler' images like e.g. close-ups
- also close-ups in fashion film are so important for haptic
don't overcrowd an image; really guide the viewer to make them see what you want them to see e.g. the similarities of texture or colour
- in-depth briefing with the DOP.