Idea 2: 'altars' of objects in a human sculpture.
Turn own bedroom into a photogrammetry scan and from there simulate a dream sequence similar to, in which everyday objects are given weird iterations

This idea actually fits perfectly because dreams are about taking things from everyday life and translating them into a 'WIERD WORLD' where things are in themselves normal but the context is strange - creating an aura of familiarity and imperfection, opening up the space for absurd patchworks and odd events or characters. - Finding the odd in the average -
Conceptual approach for project:
Everyday scenes and entire scenarios work best - maybe because they create a sense of familiarity that isn't triggered with an isolated object that needs to be re-embedded in a scene?

and HUMANS! (maybe because they can cultivate these scenes)

Or is it just the initial surprise to see something real digitally cloned?
Interesting spaces:

Botanical garden /Botanicum

Flower shop


Combine ideas of human sculpture + patchwork + object focused in a human deity
Multiple hand - objects in hands; Research what different objects could hold what different meanings.
The visual of multiplicity and the visual glitch could mirror the cliched visualisation of the deity with the glitches of photogrammetry.
Is it possible to combine and mesh together different meshs in meshroom or meshlab?
Each object could take you to a different space?
The (digital) deities could be presented as statues in white space or in a virtual statue gallery.
Too intense for the short duration of the semester and my skill set as a complete beginner. But nice concept for individual project.
The first thing I think of when I think of "Weird Worlds" is a scenario like this: an impossible yet familiar world; an environment that includes everyday objects but in weird hybrids,
too big or too small, in the 'wrong setting', or also impossible objects like severed heads and giant babies casually flying around.

The idea here is to create a space and add several photogrammetry object , however, I already know that the photogrammetry mesh is very big when placed inside Unity and requires a lot of processing power - which is why professionally such objects are scaled down & e.g. negative maps are used.
Lu Yang
Paprika - city scape showdown scene
Why does this work so well?
Because it contrast an everyday setting with things we know to be impossible.
Inception - moving buildings scene
Patch together different scans to create an impossible city landscape
Unexpected find in Paprika:

Photogrammetry takes its full effect when showing entire rooms.
I could use this opportunity to scan rooms and then animate them by moving their corners or liquifying their ground.

This is an effort that is simple in concept, big in effect and would allow me to focus mostly on the technicalities of the scanning and digitally animating of the meshes.
This in turn would actually feel like a dream because its distorting the familiar.
Moreover, I've often observed that the objects in dreams are rather normal - it's the spaces that give dreams their unique atmosphere.
Could be really interesting to thing about possible transitions between the spaces - can those be animated? Taking example from 'Paprika' which (like many animes) gets its unique style through the impossible transitions between scenes and actions that move the viewer through the plot - or in digital landscape - space.
Mashing up - object and human to create meaning.
E.g. possible to re-scale the scan of a flower to create a seat for a human figure.

Idea 4: 'Ich würde gerade gerne in einer Waffle sitzen'

The simple idea of what would it be like to sit inside a waffle right now , or a Döner or be inside a take out box container.
These visual ideas have fascinated and enthralled me in moments were I was on K and a bit cold, longing for a cosy, warm , nice smelling place that I could cuddle and bite into if I wanted. Of course what's most fascinating about the visual idea in the moment of it's appeal is the synestesie that comes with it - as the visual idea triggers the imagination of the other senses thereby creating an immersive moment.
Idea 5: Endless staircases

Idea 6: Table still-life //Tableau vivant

3D scan all items of someones wardrobe and allow them to experience pattern and mass from a new perspective

Changing people's perspective on an everyday thing! 

Portraits through wardrobes
3D scan staircases of multiple houses

+ tactile possibility for sculpture

// reminds me of Polina's thought of 'endless Kabine' when in the Takashi castle beehive at Fusion
Stage table still-lifes (minus the moving animals)and 3D scan them

Here it's purely about the visual(not the concept) and showcasing the photogrammetric technique
An interpretation of: A tableau vivant, French for 'living picture', is a static scene containing one or more actors or models. They are stationary and silent, usually in costume, carefully posed, with props and/or scenery, and may be theatrically lit. It thus combines aspects of theatre and the visual arts.
Sketch up - die 3d Elemente für Sketchfab produzieren
concept: sich in seinen tools zu beschränken um einen eigenen look zu kreieren

red bull music academy New York 2012
in Cinema 4D animieren

Wie man die Besonderheiten eines Ort nehmen und diese digitalisieren und in Bewegung versetzten.

Digitale Landschaften: / 3D Objekte in browser schmeißen und diese generieren sich in Echtzeit - Bibliothek für javascript > vereinfachter Ansatz > Absicht sich zu begrenzen um mehr zumachen

> also nice idea to add a printer to your screen - connecting the virtual and the physical - e.g. allow users to print a screenshot as postcard

Interactive Landschaften die sich in Real time generieren Objekte in der Welt versteckt

What you can do with light and motion.
Potential possibility to use models from sketchfab and adapt- this would then however no longer be photogrammetry project but rather immersive space.

Or visualisation of Food the way you feel it so intensely through synesthisia
There are loads of rocks to be found

Around the city
+ the crystal rock shop in Weimar!

+ My crystals

+ Celine's Rock collection
surrealism ! - Creating a surrealist Gallery space
Can I maybe just take an existing model from sketchfab and alter it and view it from below - turn it inside out & then place photogrammetried objects in it?
Make it glossy!
Notes from class:

Can it be animated?
What about the effect that Petra uses?
Or the effects that Jesse Kanda uses?
Could it be Camera-mapped and models added?
Or 'Clothes without people' portraits
How can I best edit away the unwanted surrounding area?

& what Photogrammetry software will give me the best results?
From my initial experiment of scanning a table still-life it becomes clear that photogrammetry can indeed not deal with reflective or see through objects and surfaces.

I think these imperfections are exactly what will give the photogrammetry scan its value - as it will create a randomised uncontrolled effect that could not be achieved through another method!.
Experiment 1

Vegetables however will not reflect and are thus, suitable objects.
The glas completely disappeared
Following the principle idea of the Zen - Rock garden this 'Weird World' will be influenced by surrealism in a confined space the viewer is invited into. Each rock carrying a meaning in the holistic picture assigned to one direction / plane ; a place for contemplation and admiration.
Scan black sunken sculpture in Stadtplatz
Idea 6: Create a texture

Probably better saved for a modelling program like Blender
Also think about how it can be presented:

Just found this and I am thrilled! This is amazingly beautiful and the 'quasi' real life rendition of my idea.

Only here the quality of transience seems important ; like part of the point of the sculptures is that they only exist for a brief moment in time.

Can I add this aspect of time and transience ? Because as of yet the Idea is all aesthetics and execution and no conceptual thought / what it 'means' .

I do feel that the presentation form ( web-browser, VR, hologram instillation ) is very much connected to what kind of conceptual direction makes sense.
Tableau vivant
A tableau vivant - French for 'living picture', is a static scene containing one or more actors or models. They are stationary and silent, usually in costume, carefully posed, with props and/or scenery, and may be theatrically lit. It thus combines aspects of theatre and the visual arts.

tableau - a group of models or motionless figures representing a scene from a story or from history
What does the idea of a living picture mean with respect to a still
life ?
What is the concept and function + meaning of a zen garden?

Quiet contemplation?

The meaning of the rocks?
Why are they used? Unchanging?
What is 'weird' about it?

Something that I thought about while sitting in the gardens in Kyoto is that they remain unchanged for thousands of years - seen in exactly the same way by so many and yet no one knows what the backside looks like ... what about this flip side, this hidden side?
Fossils and sedimentary rock as depictions of deep time !!!
Impact of setting and animation:
electronic vvvvrrring and the sound of a Gong - possibly from Moskau museum
Vanishing objects - protecting the aura

Scans of things that object and disappear in the mesh ; reflective, shiny,
Playing with towering dimensions can also be interesting.

A Weird World made just with camera mapped and stacked houses
or only windows... is also interesting idea
Play with shadows. Simple presentation but yet so potent - by giving importance to the simple things.
Material as memory.
Could I animate water running over a rock?
The perfectly cut square is the shape most easily produced with a cube in camera mapping.

Whereas the mat, organic shaped rock is perfectly suitable for photogrammetry
Camera mapping here makes creating an entire scenery relatively easy + the imperfections are important ! They add to the unique weird aesthetic.
Think its also a really interesting approach to show the 'gizmos' like lighting or the camera to highlight that this is a built world put together in a game engine. + hinting that later we might see the world from that perspective. Showing us an element of game that makes it maybe a bit more realistic almost to real life than e.g. film because there are multiple perspectives and angles from which to see the same scene.> Which e.g. make sit possible to see the same scene from the view of a maus or animal..
Cloth simulation animation > give animation character to the rocks ; giving them properties they could not have in our natural world.
And having them collapse around you.

Development process
Spaces /setting
Presentation format/Media
Talking rocks - rocks with personalities - like 'fat voice' 'young voice' 'squeaky voice' 'low voice' 'flat voice' 'deep voice'

> Just one scene in Unity?
Material as memory - depiction of how we loose memories.
Stacking pieces = depiction of how we create memories.
* re-watch ; memory explained
objects coming together to form something.
Overlay symbols as portals between spaces - webbrowser as format
I don't want this project to be in VR! (this is what my immersive essays course is about.)

Think it might be interesting to create an interactive webbrowser / artwork online page-


Or the presentation I saw at UDK where some student created a type of hologram projection in a triangle of 3 planes!

In a dark room you could create a forest - a meadow of digital nature holograms - spinning.

The screen could be inside a plastic rendition of a rock / steinverkleidung.

The final form of printing can be a beautiful documentation.

Or in Webbrowser like Chanel scent site
Next step: give full shape to the models!!
In Unity it becomes especially clear: I need the models to be complete and have a bottom side as well.

The Hologram presentation method:
Give the rocks properties that it can only have in this dimension!
e.g. floating
Warum machst du das? Wie soll sich das anfühlen?
Method: Listen to music that creates the exact mood you're going for.
The idea of time all culminating in one moment. The long past, the recent past all depicted in one single moment.
Balancing vs. stacking (tetris)
No: what about Softbody simulation?
Cloth simulation - rock hiding under grass and having it's own characteristics and throwing off the grass cloth.
Publication about rocks - perhaps starting with a visual atlas of artworks with rocks and trying to explain our fascination with rocks...?
Reflective floor Unity answers
For this kind of Rock I might want to use Substance Painter to work over the texture.

+ I need to model the bottom side to the rock. In Blender?
Conceptual research
Deep Time
Analyse: What are the properties of rocks and how can they be diverted or inverted on themselves?
Geological time scale

when looking at a strata of sedimentary rock "the mind seemed to grow giddy by looking so far into the abyss of time".[Wikipedia]

The process of 'reading history through rock'.

Reframing a simple rock as a measure for time reconstructs our perspective to show what a WEIRD WORLD we already exist in.
Memory - conviction - something set in stone

Memory palace - turning facts and figures into stories.

Do I even need to make an elaborate concept or can it just be homage to rocks as symbols in different settings.

E.g. the japanese rock garden

geological deep time
Fragmentary - fleeting dream rooms ...
could also use one like this as a setting for the rocks.
Like a dream where it's raining rocks.. or tetris of block rocks
coming to terms with our own insignificance

rocks as a medium that can shift our perspective on our own significance .. weird right?
Fascination with rocks - publication with a collection of other people's rock pictures.
Do water with Unity shader
Working with landscape - through camera mapping of buildings and rocks dropping and bouncing from the sky and random objects in the distance.
To present rocks as a measure of time on the earth and geological record of climate changes.

Revealing modern perspective on Climate change as a psydoscientfic new age religion that falls in line with a long human history of wanting to influence the weather ( through folklore, costumes and chasing away the weather rituals.

Revealing climate change religiosity as a counter-reaction bread our of the fear of helplessness towards the climate and possible impending mass extinction , drought , food shortages etc. .

We have a deep routed fear of being helplessly exposed and dependant on weather and climate. Instead of wanting to come to terms with this helplessness and be exposed to the fear that comes with that we choose to comprehend climate change interlaced with a 'savour complex'. The believe that we are responsible for climate changing being bread out of the NEED , the wish of being able to change something about the situation . In able to be able to change anything WE need to be the reason for the problem - so that WE can fix it and SAVE the world from us.

The world doesn't need saving from us. reverse we need to be protected from it.
Introducing - clarifying concept ... elements?
A rock playground?
Rocks being bounced around in fabric? 

Cloth animation ?
4 fields could be much more random and show a more personal journey.. what is the journey? Walking through a fantasy Zen garden? This would be something I'd like to present in a Webbrowser..

Area 1) Surrealism - floating - FLOAT 
Area 2) Water - sinking
Area 3) Shadows - Sun - Waiting - watching - WAITING 
Area 4) Stacks - tetris - drop - tower - bounce - memory palace

Contrast between completely sleek, non-moss rocks 'man Made' rocks and the completely natural, moss overgrown 'Nature'
Object bounce on landscape tutorial
Float (with reflection on floor ) vs. drop/falling

inflate/Pop vs. Deflate/shrink (*but these are both not natural.. no man vs. nature contrast)

stacked and stuck together vs. resting and touched by sun/casting shadows

Approach: Like Telling a Poem - the ancient story of the Pike and Shield paradox -
Let Physics inside Cinema4D interact with the rocks.

DECISION: DO IT IN CINEMA 4D to better FOCUS ON THE TEXTURE AND MATERIALITY OF IT - not the space around it and walking as in Unity.

Illustrate the duality between the natural and the surreal ; MAN MADE slick and concrete vs. natural and untouched mossy green

Highlighted through exaggerated contrast between Surrealism/ Fantasy = domination of nature through man and Hyper- natural landscape

Project in itself paradox because it is digitalisation of nature.
"The problems associated with this paradox can be applied to any other conflict between two abstractly defined extremes that are opposite."

unstoppable force - human will and determination
immovable object - nature and our dependancy on it

Contrasting opposities:

The unstoppable force: Human's determination/ GREED
Represented as the clean, sleek, man made and man used >> always in surrealist landscape


Immovable object:
Pure DEPENDENCY on nature and it's resources as sustenance for life

the natural, untouched nature >> in a natural setting

"faced with an inevitable contradiction due to the paradoxical nature of their mutually excluding abilities, turned the two (opposites) beasts into stone."
Kamera fahrt ganz close up an den stacks entlang !!!!
Impossible stacks - vlt. sogar option zwischen durch steine zuhaben die nicht natural sind und einen anderen print oder sogar ein video drauf laufen haben.
Telling the Tale of the Irresistible force paradox:

A classic paradox formulated as "What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?"





Memory Palace
Greed vs. Dependancy
Possibility to work with perspective; being stacked from one but revealed to be far apart in another angle.
Mehr experimentieren
Es geht dir ja um den Kontrast also bedarf es mehr Kontrastpaare
Versuch mal andere Textures auf die Steine zu legen, e.g. Himmel oder Video auf dem Stein laufen zulassen

Alle interessiert wie sieht es im Stein aus? Andere Welt im Stein?
Oder man geht in den Stein und innen drin sieht man was anderes..

Versuch weg zukommen von dem Objekt nur vor 2D Bild plaziert; e.g. Stein als Hintergrund oder Umgebung nutzen

Generell: Macht den Eindruck als ginge es darum zu verweilen und sich umzuschauen.

Du brauchst mehr Masse

In Unity kann man einfach mit Physics spielen und Leute einfach verweilen lassen..

In Cinema4D als Video render ist jeder moment geplant und kontrolliert..
Link to free textures :
Presentation format
Turning box
Visualisation help
Environment inspiration - skybox; floor
entire space as surrealist platform
composition and interplay of objects
composition and interplay of objects
materiality and shape
Colour palette and floating motif
Artists: David Ligare
Link to normal map + other map generator:
I feel I can take this project in two directions depending on the program and presentation intention:

create Rock garden for VR ( Unity) for an ambient album like of oqbqbo ( *collaborate with music artist?)

create video intended for webbrowser or fulldome projection
But it's also not so entirely Black and White because I need to bake and mode everything in an animation software like Cinema4D before I can put it in an editor like Unity
Ian chang + frederik heyman + slipstream
Create Water in Cinema4d tutorial!
Skybox Cinema tutorial
Connecting Zen philosophy with cyberspace -
recognising cyberspace as a non tangible, yet experiential space we enter into. Cyberspace has become so intertwined with our daily lives we don't recognise it as a space in itself.
But what do we do in cyberspace ? How do we exist there? Spend our time there ? and can we imagine appropriating this space for different uses than we currently do? A place to come to, to relax, unwind and enjoy or marvel at nature?

An online sanctuary ?? 
In zen gardens the rocks mean different things - here they can do different things

Could a space function as a digital cleanser ? like a palette cleanser for taste buds ? or sonic cleanser? That leaves you feeling refreshed?

Similarities to the philosophy of Zen garden:

(1) careful selection of rocks based on shaped ( look - aesthetic) (and meaning)

(2) simulation of material/element -like water- by another -like sand-

Technical approach:

Browser Based
Walk through 'game' like Klopf Klopf
A space to 'be' / ein digitaler Raum wo man sich aufhält
Great importance of music
Answer I need to continue:
How to bake reflection onto object? Texture ??
Idea: switching between spaces !
Approach: to use the rocks in a similarly sculptural - yet digital way
water - sand - NATURE - it all has the most impact / greates effect if you build and render it in Cinema
Can each field or the whole scene go through a time circle ? e.g. export video from Cinema and use as 360 video in Unity? or the webbrowser even be in-sync with real time? Like a digital 'sonnen uhr'?

Field 1


floating reflective spheres
rotating objects (can be animated in Unity)
cubes with sky on them
pastel horizon
reflective floor
floating objects

Field 2

structured floor
all about texture and materiality

Field 3

Stacks standing in water
dark water
with spotlights on select objects

Field 4

Manicured nature
large rock leans agains wall + stick
everything stands in soft sand

// wild nature - moss ?

Render trials / process
Very dynamic - busy, colourful, prints, movement, floating, turning /rotating, glossy, slick, cubic, shape focused

playing with perspective - visual distortion/trick - endless row - textures of rocks ; sun / reflection , light results in shadow + DOMINO EFFECT (optional)

dark, night, water swallows light , very mossy, dark, wet and green ( optional, falling like Tetris) 

calm, motionless, resting , hidden symbolism,
The symbols work like arrows and always symbolise/represent a choice between two opposites; two paradoxes
Shadows, textures, reflections
Make a pile of nature rocks
Make a pile of different weirdly textured rocks falling ..
How to go from one zone to the next: like in a video game - one object is pushable( Unity ; Rigidbody Controller) and you have to push it into the spot that it's shape fits to, like a key into a lock > then portal to other space opens
Print publication

Might be an idea to show the final render on a glossy and the render on a thinn paper which is press printed on in the optik style of what the render process image looks like >
so one publication with japanese stitch binding of the process

and another larger publication on newspaper in the style of the flower publication in which individual rocks can be used as posters

Or another book typ publication with texts about rocks - all the theoretical directions that are part of the process
Moving forward :
> create more pronounced difference
> assign ambient tracks
> transfer to Unity > BAKE texture or bake entire fbx?
> create interaction/action in Unity
I like the how the objects can morph together - something that is very easy to create inside the digital world but difficult in real world.
It's nice how the rock and sphere morph together in a sort of embrace - (reminds of Ernesto Neto projects) > creates a sense of haptic > try more extreme
Question: Natural rocks - development towards funky, contaminated rocks ..? 

What's more important contrast between the scenes and fitting to a theme or each scene be as strong as it can be purely visually..

Question: How contrasting can/should they be ?????


Wie wichtig ist dir die Interaction? To be 'in it' (VR) at the cost of the visual?
How does perspective and the baked reflections even work inside Unity?
Aber die Frage ist auch funktioniert Unity engine dann als Webbrowser

Why even make different fields if they all seem the same???!!!
> Make them more extreme & more different - create higher contrast!

Musik is WICHTIG!  Vlt. mit Sound effects wie Wind ?

& jetzt ist der Himmel/Skyscape gleich - überall ist Tag > create more variation !!
Set in the dark with spotlight!
Leave the natural & moss rocks here!!
Shiny box here

No shiny here.
Abend dämmerung?
Try wood instead..
Manicured - light - airy-beige
Surrealist sky + horizon + mirror sculpture
what if it's on a glass box in the water ..?
This one should be most natural !
This feels, fresh, cold clean, mossy, natural, crisp
bright, burning sun, hard shadows
colours, textures
I like the window but the sand needs to be more real and impressive, more natural, calm, serene and soft because water spheres are already dark enough
surrealistisch - verkaufen...!
vibe von Zen aber ge-rendertes Bild
> verstärken

Zen Bilder nur ins Internet stellen
Grundaussage : irgendetwas statisches ( und ist es noch so schön)

perversion von ZEN ( absolute minimalistisch, absolute ruhig ; leer , ein calligraph)

> versuchst ZEN in aktion, internet welt zu übertragen
> perversion von ZEN (Grunderkenntnis)
> stilbild einfach weil schön an wand

>> wen will man ansprechen, wen und warum ????
> nicht perversion sondern
> gibt es sowas wie digital zen? 
nicht super electronic

VR mehr Zen oder Zen Leute ansprechen ? meditatives tool? nicht nur anschauen sondern wirklich durchgehen ?

> interactive - verändersung logic - könnte man etwas veränderung - stein garten fegen

> räumen - meaning ??

> gardens of mental delight

Harmony - Himmelsrichtung

Zen philosophy - Buddist theory > marketing

Zen prinzipien - meaning of rocks ; symbolically

( himmelrichtungen im internet geht ja nicht

irgendwleche komponenten ( SONNENUHR!) Technische komponenten die sich irgendwie veränderns

Nur zum Bild gucken gehen Leute nicht ins Inetrnet - jmd der Meditieren will geht nicht online um so ein bild zu suchen

müsste irgendwas zeigen was 2020 auch zubieten hat - ZEITGEIST - mehr als nur statisches Bild , Leute erwarten das sich mehr tut

>> digital komponete
: sound design

licht & schatten wandern
nass - regnen
dynamisch - surrealistisch - schweben - balance halten , flach liegen & auf spitze balancieren , physiche spannung

schöner als VR - wo ist der mehrwert ? irgendwann wird es langweilig - meistens entzaubert es

encyter : bewegung - schaut wie sich dinge verändern - computer update love - relaxing

* wasser : ohne schwebende steine

fascination ist das spannungverhältnis zwischen tatsächlichem Zen prinzipien & den virtuellen möglichen >> USP : spannungs verhätnis prinzipien of zen ( real life) vs. virtual possibilities

physische zu überwinden durch balance
surrealist : langer stein horizontal - irgendwie balanciert >> spannungfeld auszubauen

verbindung & faszination genau in dieser herrausforderung
Mehr grün ! vlt. kann man das klarer - erkennbarer machen - moos , wald
Could I render it out as a 360° video and host that on a webbrowser?

Decision: NOT putting it in Unity - losses it's feeling & will be an extreme technical challenge to translate that haptic feeling into Unity (not worth it) instead bring project to a close and find a package for all the thoughts that have ALREADY gone into it during the semester.

A publication maybe?
Texture tutorial:
SENTO - Meitei
SENTO - Meitei
* nd reflection: this is very intersting concerning rocks in general and could give sahpe to a project by giving the rocks a new context and broader theory-based meaning. However, the rocks I found in Weimar are not about archeological time and the reason I was drawn to them was more for aesthetic reasons & also maybe even wondering why they are in the city - what is their function and can they take n a new function?
* Ultimate soltuion and result; connects all thes ideas partially, it is about memory palace as the space in the mind - but also a webbrowser that invites people to be - in digital gardens, re-thinking how we spend time online and adopting some aspects of Zen philosophy.
* create video - switching between spaces
Further tutorials

Adding textured floor:
Adidas Terrex (Directors Cut)