From 'The Wilderness'; the avantgarde- software aesthetics - the "digital grotesque":
They accept and embrace the materiality of CGI, allowing it to collapse under it's own weight.
CGI Artists from 'Goodbye Uncanny Valley'

Style - technique

Motive - Charaktere - Übergänge - morphing
Frederik Heyman

Menschen - Konstellationen - Szenerie - 'Bühnenbild'
Heyman's style is created by a mix of high-quality photogrammetry with 360 cameras in parallel exposure an 3D modeling. The sculptural almost wax figure like look is kind of like the digital version of creating instillations/scenes for museum exhibition windows.
Main take-away
He frequently adds some electronic wiring or industrial/equipment to the images that underlines the construction behind the digital render but simultaneously complements the realism - making the objects and people almost 'realer' by emphasising that they are not.

So somehow eluding to the 'imperfection' and surreality of the digital image.
In close-up the textures and tangibility of the Photogrammetry-scans are showcased.
Lighting of a scene can shift the focus extremely. In this cool lighting the outdoor-concrete scenery are highlighted. These elements feel very 'real' and familiar > this could be something to try to capture from the streets in real life.
A silent narrative: creating the feeling of a filmstill, a moment in time with a course of action connected to it, untold and for the viewer to fill in..
Setting a scene through familiar elements; bathroom tiles, heating, towel, books but combined in a way only possible digitally + Using the same person in the same scene several times!
The imperfect scan - torso without legs - is used in a fashion presentation context. > Interesting to play with the imperfect and grotesque.
Playing with impossible constructions again highlights the non-reality of the digital image. Again the unrealistic setup is in contrast with the life like qualities of the objects rendered.
The most mundane everyday objects become video-game-like and digital curiosities when rendered. The more basic the more it lends authenticity to the digital image and helps the viewer to connect to an otherwise alien composition. Also creates a sort of irony in contrast with impossible surrealistic set-ups.
Idea to scan leftover food or table after party. Something mouldy or decaying.
Roy Andersson

cinema - setting a scene - room as narrative/stage - colouration

2) the scene
It could be interesting to create a real-life scene in which people, garments/fabric/prints and backdrop blend together and see what the software makes of it!.
@golo.pauleit instagram
Dancing characters - like Luisi and Raida at Prince Charles in character-esque outfits
Imperfect Body scans by Golo Pauleit
(probably created with kinect sensor)

1) the characters
Almost like video game characters they stand in an empty space, almost waiting to be set into a new space/scene/world. The pose and outfit already tell a story even in a blank space! 
For this module I'd really like to focus on the scene rather than the people/bodies.

Search for interesting spaces to create scans of like our Germophobe Airbnb, swimming pool, locker-rooms...
Go out and 360 photograph mushrooms! and other plants.
I like the idea of creating a composition with naked bodies - like Evelyn Bencicova's series 'Ecce Homo' - and creating a digital surreal human sculpture.
Stranger Things - 'The upside down'
Normalworld vs. Decaying world; the same room / object/scene but one looks 'normal' the other looks like a strange decaying, darker, distorted version of the 'normal' which is fitting to the imperfect and glitched style often rendered through photogrammetry.
3D presentation 'analog'
A garden of parallel paths : use of camreamapping and video to create a surreal collage of realities flowing into each other.
Ian Cheng
Individual objects coming together - each with their own characteristic - all interacting with each other randomly in real time.
OTHER non-VR presentation formats that still render some kind of 3D effect are becoming more novel, and therefore more interesting, since the heavier availability of VR.